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Mastering the Art of B2B Selling in the New Normal
Why This Course Will Help You To Reach Higher Levels Of Performance
What's In It For You? (11:22)
How Your Prospects, Customers, and Clients Make Buying Decisions
The Secret To How Prospect's Buy (17:15)
The Two Decision Makers (10:51)
The Conscious Decision Maker (21:36)
The Subconscious Decision Maker (9:52)
Why and How Prospects, Customers, and Clients Resist Change (10:35)
Why 1st Impressions Matter (10:33)
Turning Resistance Into Willingness (13:55)
The Key To It All (8:42)
Perception Is Reality (16:39)
Positioning To Win (7:00)
Sales Approaches Based On Buying Psychology
How To Engage More Prospects Into First Meetings (14:36)
Prospecting Approaches That Work- Email and Snail Mail (12:47)
Prospecting Approaches That Work- Telephone (12:54)
A Better Way To Handle Prospecting Objections (15:35)
The Key To Success- Emotional Connection (13:03)
A Key To Controlling The Sale (13:22)
Discovery That Makes An Emotional Connection (23:04)
How To Make A Presentation That Persuades (13:50)
How To Build Buying Commitment (13:24)
A Better Way To Handle Prospecting Objections
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